San Jose Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyer And Santa Clara Foreclosure Attorney

Serving Santa Clara County Area in Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Attorney

Divorce, sudden illness or injury, job loss or various other life circumstances can cause you to fall behind on your mortgage payments and other finances. While you may be hesitant to consider filing for bankruptcy, filing for bankruptcy can be your first step toward debt relief and financial control.

San Jose bankruptcy attorney Gemma V. Reyes offers knowledgeable advice about your debt relief options and helps you find the right solution given your specific situation.

To put more than a decade of knowledge and experience in your corner when filing for bankruptcy, contact Gemma V. Reyes, Attorney at Law, and arrange an appointment with a San Jose Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer.
Advantages of Filing for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code allows you to develop a manageable monthly repayment plan for all of your loans. There are countless benefits of filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy when you are in financial distress. Attorney Reyes can help you:

  • Stop foreclosure
  • Stop wage garnishment and bank levies
  • Stop pending lawsuits from proceeding
  • Consolidate debt into a three- to five-year repayment plan
  • Keep your home, car and other possessions
  • Deal with child support arrears, student loans and other debt obligations that could not be discharged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy

Additionally, if you are facing foreclosure, you may be able to keep your primary residence and stall the trustee sale. Chapter 13 debt reorganization Attorney Reyes will then work to negotiate with your lender to keep you in your home through effective mortgage modification and lien stripping.

Eligibility for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 is also recognized as the “wage-earner’s plan.” That is because individuals filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy must be employed, able to meet their basic financial needs and able to pay one monthly payment to a bankruptcy trustee. In addition to the requirement for sustainable income, in Chapter 13 bankruptcy, there is a limit to the amount of debt you can have when you file. The maximum amount of debt you can owe when filing for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is $360,475 of unsecured debt (such as medical bills, credit card debt and personal loans) and $1,081,400 of secured debt (such as car loans and mortgage obligations).

Unlike Chapter 7 bankruptcy, however, you can back out of the bankruptcy process without risking your right to file again at a future time.

Contact a Mountain View Debt Repayment Plan Lawyer

Learn more about creating a Chapter 13 repayment plan. Whether you are trying to stop foreclosure or deal with other significant debt problems, attorney Reyes has the experience to assist you. Contact a skilled Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney to discuss your debt relief. Call 408-292-6289.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

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    • 900 Lafayette Street, Suite 201, Room 12
      Santa Clara, CA 95050

    • 408-292-6289

    We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.